St. Joseph Catholic School Band


Your Support Gets Results.

student practicing clarinet
Help support our 190 young band students and staff.

Self-Confidence & Improved Learning

With your help our child-focused band program can continue to help young students recognize the “Gifts” given to them by the Holy Spirit, improve their learning, boost their self-confidence, and prepare them for their future personal growth journey.

Your gift today will enable our band program to continue to provide young students the opportunity to learn how to focus, contribute to achieving success with others, enjoy participating in positive-activities, realize that 100% effort is the goal, and to continue to grow in faith.

You’re helping kids prepare for their future today.

Parent and Public Supported

100% Self-Funded

Your Donation Provides

  • Copyrighted music for all band students
  • Annual cleaning and repairs for each child’s instrument
  • Participation fees and travel expenses for local and regional band concerts and competitions
  • Printed music learning materials
  • Online instruction software
  • Band and instrument supplies
  • Specialist instructors and part-time staff help
  • Maintains our long-term, dedicated band director instructing, teaching, and guiding our children

A Parent’s Perspective

“Both of my children participated In Mr. Johnson’s band program at St. Joseph, and continued to play music in high school and college. One of my children is now a professional musician.

My other child (who experienced ADHD) benefited from the discipline and creative outlet that Mr. Johnson’s band program provided.

I am certain that St. Joseph’s band program changed my children’s lives for the better!

I hope the band program at St. Joseph can continue to thrive and offer similar life-changing opportunities to future students.”

~ William, Parent of 2 previous Band Members

Your gift is going to help kids become more confident and better learners.

Orchestra Level Sponsors

Collector Store
Thunderbolt Volleyball

Stillman Brothers Automotive

The Woodworkers Zone
St. Joseph Cottleville Athletic Association
Essential Network Technologies